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The Billionaire's Pregnant Secretary 2: Tension in the WorkplaceBy Danielle Jamesen
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Linda has started working at her new job. While it is stressful, she proves to be competent and pleases Samson. However, he finds himself more and more attracted to her, even though he doesn't like relationships in the workplace. When Jane leaves on a family emergency, Linda temporarily takes over as Samson's personal assistant, making them work closer together. When Linda faints from stress and dehydration, Samson can't help his protective side from taking over. He insists on escorting her home and then ends up staying the night. They have sex. The next morning Linda feels guilty and scared and she tells Samson that it should never have happened. This leaves Samson feeling hurt as he realizes he wants to take things seriously with Linda.
- Sales Rank: #90135 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-09-30
- Released on: 2015-09-30
- Format: Kindle eBook
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